Pistes Solidaires is an association located in the South-west of France that develops its projects and actions according to UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education: learn to know, learn to be, learn to do, learn to live together and with the others.

Our goal is to make possible that each young person may benefit from the unique experience of international educational mobility. Education goes hand in hand with openness to the world and an understanding of local / global interdependencies.

Pistes Solidaires bases its work on non-formal education methods, particularly those based on experiential learning. Environment, inclusion, employment, senior citizens, young people, school dropouts, migrants are all issues with a European dimension that can be addressed in new ways. Research and innovation are at the heart of this work area.

Pistes Solidaires,
17bis rue Pierre et Marie Curie,
64000 PAU,
Tel : +33 559 84 92 00

Pistes Solidaire’s website and Facebook page:

Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto

Drustvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto is a non-governmental organisation working in public interest in the field of youth, culture and social inclusion. As we are working on such programmes, taking actions and being overall active in the field of our goal, we are steering to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all, by integrating socially excluded groups, by promoting active citizenship and participation (especially among youth), by encouraging the development of NGO sector and civil dialogue. The organisation has a 27 year long tradition, and currently employs around 20 social workers, project coordinators, and other staff from various professional backgrounds. Every year we have around 100 volunteers engaged in all levels of work and considering our activities almost 2000 local people are involved in the activities. We are addressing over 1500 organisations and institutions around the world and running over 30 projects per year. In addition, we run day care centres for children, where children and youth with fewer opportunities are invited, which also adds to our contribution to the local society. Besides that, regional NGO hubs strengthen NGOs’ capacity for active contribution to local development, to improve the stakeholders’ understanding of NGO contribution.

Društvo za Razvijanje Prostovoljnega Dela Novo mesto,
Rozmanova ulica 30,
8000 Novo mesto,
Tel: 0038641 764 762

DRPDNM’s website and Facebook page:
Website: nevladnik.info
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DRPDNM/
INDEPCIE (Institute for the personal development, entrepreneurship, coaching and Emotional Intelligence) is a training company founded in 2018 focused in the attitudinal training and the improvement of human performance. The company works with clients with the aim of increasing their results both in personal or professional areas, developing techniques and strategies in the areas of coaching, Emotional Intelligence, soft skills and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). INDEPCIE trains persons, so both the individuals and their organizations acquire skills and habits leading to a continuous improvement. The staff uses the most advanced techniques in training to develop and achieve this ambitious goal as experts in team management, emotional management and motivation.

Besides of its work with companies, public institutions or different associations, INDEPCIE has a deep commitment with training at the highest level, especially with those unfavoured, low-skilled and young people. Focus is on the development of entrepreneurship, leadership and self-leadership, employability, education, personal and professional development and soft skills, adapting from a very pragmatic perspective the expertise to the real world.

In the field of international projects, the staff has a solid background in the development and implementation of funded projects in the frame of Erasmus+ and in the areas of entrepreneurship, leadership and application of coaching, Emotional Intelligence and soft skills to different fields.

Calle Fernando Camacho 15,
14005 Córdoba,
Tel: +34 619 22 77 06

INDEPCIE’s website and Facebook and Linkedin page:
Paydaş is a non profit educational institution founded by reunion of educators. The members are mainly the teaching staff at different types of organisations in the field education.The  main activities include  organizing training which support the development of supportive educational activities for coaches,educators,facilitators in formal and non formal education.The  activities cover the three main areas: education for personal and professional development ,innovation and digitalization.

PAYDAS implements activities based on education and training. We encourage good educational practices by participating in and designing training courses and pedagogical projects that integrate Technology in learning environments.We work  with a modern vision toward developing society, through understanding information technology, communication, and interacting with the developing process by adapting methodologies.

Mithatpaşa Mahallesi Tevfik Fikret Sokak No:3
Merkez / Zonguldak P.K. 67000
Tel.: : +90 (505) 807 94 71  

PAYDAS website and social media accounts:    

Center Biotehnike Grm

Grm Novo mesto – centre of biotechnics and tourism is centre consists of several units:
– Secondary school for Agriculture Grm and biotechnical gymnasium,
– Secondary school for gastronomy and tourism,
– Vocational college,
– Dormitory,
– Businesses connected to educational center, which operates with school property, food production facilities, House of culinary and tourism (coffee bar, bakery, restaurant, local shop), shop near production field in village Srebrniče, school shop on the school etc.),
– Institute for rural development, which is core for regional development in the field of agriculture, rural development, care and safety of nature and tourism.

Grm Novo mesto educates 1.200 students on secondary level and 6th Bologna level (College) and employs 170 people.
Grm Novo mesto operates with 300 ha of educational land.
Through profitable activities (agriculture production, food production, food processing, animal breeding, marketing, tourism, recreation, landscape management, environment care, school shops and restaurant) the students are educated in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Grm Novo mesto orientates students towards seeking options to deploy their own working place in rural area or self-employment. Within our education system Grm Novo mesto maintains traditional Slovenian manufacture. The goal of centre is also development of rural areas in widest form, progress of agriculture, higher competitiveness, environment care and maintenance of cultural and natural heritage. Grm Novo mesto also develops study programmes for lifelong learning.

On Secondary school for Agriculture Grm and biotechnical gymnasium Grm Novo mesto educates at three different levels. Biotechnical gymnasium programme lasts for 4 years and is specified in natural science contents and a lot of practical work in the laboratory. In technical secondary education school offers agricultural entrepreneurial technician and nature protection technician. Also the technical secondary education lasts for four years. At secondary vocational education school can offer country farmer, gardener, florist, confectioner and butcher and students stay at school for three years. The shortest, two year education, is biotechnics and care assistant.

GRM Novo mesto – Center biotehnike in turizma
Sevno 13,
8000 Novo mesto,
TEL.: 00386 707 393 47 00

Center Biotehnike GRM’s website and social media accounts:
Coleggio Seneca was founded in 1982 in the city of Córdoba (Spain) and today it has about 700 students and a teaching staff of 50, ranging students from 3 to 16 years. They include Nursery, Primary and Secondary education, as well as Support and Integration Classroom. They foster diversity in education and  try to educate solidarity and environmentally respectful people with a high critical capacity, team work and compromised with innovation.

These are their essential valours. The school has a dynamic spirit and it is involved in multiple plans and projects:

– As regards of their ecological commitment, they have been awarded with the prestigious prize “Bandera Verde” (Green Flag) granted for their initiatives related to the environment protection.

– They are also a bilingual school. This project is currently in the first year of Secondary Education.
– Sport is a very important issue in their school and they canalize it through the club Decorseneca, with sections in handball, indoor football, basketball,

The school follows the standards of quality of the European System UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008, first certified in 2007-08 and extended every year. Since that date, they are committed to be successful in the annual revision of all the teaching and learning procedures, as well as those related to the improvement of their Cooperative, so they are exposed to annual audits. In 2019 their project Superhero was awarded as the Best Educational Project in Spain by the Princess of Girona Foundation, developing the entrepreneur talent of their pupils and involving all the educative community, but also families and neighbors. Superhero was focused on the human values and the inner individual potential (the hero inside me) and the personal relationships (the human aside). Colegio Séneca is a member of ACES (Andalusian Social Economy Schools Association), which includes more than 100 schools in the region. Since 2016, ACES gave them the Seal of Educative Excellence, which acknowledges the quality in the management of the centre, offering families guaranteed services.

Collegio Séneca S.C.A.
Escritor Almeida Garret Street,
Nº 1 Córdoba;
Postal Code:14014 Phone number: +34 957 264 306

Collegio Séneca S.C.A.‘s website and social media:

Lycée Agricole Rural Privé de Soule (LARPS)

The Lycée Agricole et Rural Privé de Soule (LARPS) is a vocational High School, created in 1954 and an association managed by a board of directors. They have 340 students from 14 to 19 years old. 300 of them are boarding-school pupils.

The High School employs 55 persons including 30 teachers.

The project of the school  has two main objectives:
-“To enable each student to be a player in the economic and social development”.
-“To look for human and professional development by developing responsibility, education and cooperative behavior with actors from the surrounding world”.

The LARPS has participated in European projects since 2004 (including training periods abroad in Spain, Ireland, Great Britain and Belgium within LEONARDO DA VINCI and ERASMUS+ programs) and hosts European volunteers since September 2017.

In summary, the school has almost 20 years of experience in student mobility. The EU funding has made them more dynamic and is therefore a strong element in their students’ learning programme.

Lycée Agricole Rural Privé de Soule (LARPS)
Bixta Eder,
64 130 Berrogain-Laruns
Postal address : BP 65, 64 130 Mauléon Soule
TEL.: 0559280502

The LARPS’s website and social media:

About the project

Main mission of the project

This project proposes a training plan aimed at teachers and students in Secondary education (12-16 years old), focused on the development of Ecological Intelligence, that is, “to develop the capacity of each individual to discern the impact of his or her actions on the environment that surrounds him or her. The aim of THEMIS is to develop attitudes, habits, ways of feeling and thinking that build awareness of being an integral and active part of a large ecosystem. Thus, generating an awareness of more sustainable and environmentally friendly consumption values and behaviours, THEMIS has these specific objectives:

  • To disseminate and raise awareness of the concept of Ecological Intelligence.
  • Understanding of the impact that our actions have on the environment.
  • As pointed out by UNESCO, to achieve a change of attitude on the part of the partners and participants.
  • To acquire and develop social values and a deep concern for the environment.
  • To encourage active participation in the protection and improvement of the environment.
  • To connect with the natural world and its social, economic and health implications…
  • To improve understanding of the ecological impact of our lifestyles.
  • To become aware of our relationship with the environment.
  • To develop cognitive and affective skills towards the environment.
  • Supporting quality environmental education in the context of lifelong learning.

 The main activities of the project include:


Results of the project

PR1: A training system with 20 modules for Secondary School teachers on the Eco-Intelligence model proposed by Daniel Goleman to generate more sustainable and environmentally friendly consumer attitudes and skills in students. 

A bank of 24 resources and educational activities for the development of Ecological Intelligence
in Secondary school students (14-17 years old).

A series of 20 video case studies in relation to the practice of
responsible and sustainable consumption, which can be used as a didactic resource focused on raising awareness and
commitment to ecological awareness.

Project is funded by the EU.

Impact of the project

The environmental situation has deteriorated to the point where we are living in a climate emergency. Therefore, now more than ever, environmental education becomes an essential factor. In this sense, the expected impact of THEMIS on
participants, participating organisations, target groups and other possible stakeholders will be quite relevant.

In relation to the tharget groups,
THEMIS will generate the following impacts:

  • With the development of PR1, it will support teaching staff as well as other stakeholders supporting learning processes, as it will increase the key competences
    of students, as well as facilitate, lifelong learning in the context of secondary education.
  • Through the inclusion of EQ in
    PR1, PR2 and PR3 as a pedagogical innovation, THEMIS reinforces education in a transversal way and will improve the continuity of student competence development through innovative approaches to learning.
  • This project, in line with
    the recommendation of the Council of Europe (2018/C 189/01), will mainstream the ambitions of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by intensifying the acquisition of knowledge related to the limitation of natural resources, the threat of climate change and the use of natural resources in a sustainable way.

or the participant organisations and their staff, THEMIS will generate the same impacts as described above, but in a more specific way.